Tuesday 27 February 2018

FME Includer

  1. Create a User Parameter of type Choice with options Yes/No asking whether to include X:

  2. Set up a Tester transformer, with the Pass Criteria set to OR. In the first Test Clause, specify all records that are always to go through. In the second Test Clause, specify $(IncludeX) = Yes.

If the user selects [No], i.e. don’t include X, the second test clause is always False, so only the records that comply with the first test clause go through.
If the user selects [Yes], the second test clause is always True, so all records go through, i.e. no filtering takes place.

Create New Geometry

When creating new geometry (e.g. VertexCreator), use the CoordinateSystemSetter transformer to define the coordinate system.


To change the geometry of a line (or polygon) into a single point at its start or end, you can use the Snipper transformer, setting the [Snipping Mode] to [Vertex], and setting the two indexes to [0] for the first vertex, or to [-1] for the last vertex:


To create a line or polygon from an array of coordinates, you can use the VertexCreator transformer with the [Mode] set to [Add Point]. However, this doesn't work if there are duplicate points other than start = end in the array.

Instead use the VertexCreator transformer with the [Mode] set to [Replace with Point], followed by a LineBuilder transformer. On the latter, make sure you connect the [Line] or [Polygon] output port!

Get X & Y

To get the X and Y coordinates as attributes, you can use the CoordinateExtractor transformer, using index 0 for the first vertex and index -1 for the last.

Raster Checking

Before processing a raster, check the raster. After loading the raster in the Data Inspector, select the Information button and drag a box to show the raster details.

Clicking in the raster, shows the raster cell details of the clicked cell.

Raster Bands

If the raster is a colour raster, i.e. an image, it should have 3 bands displaying the RGB values;
If the raster is a numerical raster, e.g. a DTM, it should have 1 band displaying the numerical value.

To remove any unwanted bands (e.g. alpha band), use the RasterSelector transformer followed by the RasterBandKeeper or RasterBandRemover transformer.

To separate the RGB bands, use the RasterBandSeparator transformer.

Raster NoData

NoData by default means no colour = transparent.

To set the raster's NoData value on a numerical raster, first define the NoData value using the RasterBandNodataSetter, followed by a RasterCellValueReplacer setting all values outside the valid domain to the newly selected NoData value.

Raster Display

To display a raster, use the RasterInterpretationCoercer transformer.

Python: Get Filename and Folder Name


# Get the full name of the input DWG file
s1 = FME_MacroValues['InputDWG']

# If there is a backslash, take the bit after the last one
if "\\" in s1:
    s2 = s1.split('\\')[-1]

# if the output file is in the same folder as the workbench,
# FME uses a relative folder without slashes: $(FME_MF_DIR)foo.bar
elif "FME_MF_DIR" in s1:
    s2 = s1[13:]

# Chop off the extension
return s2.split('.')[0]


The UpdateDetector custom transformer compares two datasets and specifies which records have been inserted, deleted and updated.

The fme_db_operation output attribute can be used on the Feature Operation setting on the (database?) Writer. See https://www.safe.com/webinars/back-fme-school-day-1-data-fme/ at 1h17m45s

Monday 26 February 2018

Regular Expressions (Regex)

(Note to self: use Word to update the tables)


Metacharacters are reserved characters, and they are:


To find a metacharacter in a string, prefix it with a backslash, e.g. \. to find a dot, or \\ to find a backslash.

Find a character

a single character a
any single character from the set, i.e. a, b, or c. For example, [bcr]at matches "bat", "cat", and "rat"
any single character except a, b, or c. For example, [^b]at matches "cat" and "rat", but not "bat"
any character in the range A-Z, i.e. any uppercase letter
any character in the range a-z, i.e. any lowercase letter
any character in the range A-Z or a-z, i.e. any letter
any character in the range 0-9, i.e. any number
any single character
a dot (prefix with a backslash as . is a metacharacter)
a backslash character (prefix with a backslash as the backslash is a metacharacter itself)
a tab character
a new line character (also see $ is the end of line expression)
any whitespace character, which includes space, tab and newline character
any word character, which only includes any lowercase or uppercase letter, any number and the underscore character
any digit
a or b

Line Characters

start of line
end of line
empty string = ""


0 or 1 of a. For example, colou?r matches both "color" and "colour"
0 or more of a. For example, ab*c matches "ac", "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on
1 or more of a. For example, ab+c matches "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on, but not "ac"
exactly 3 of a
3 or more of a
between 3 and 6 of a


(   )
capture group
backreference to group #1

See also https://www.regular-expressions.info/index.html

Finding and replacing text

DateTimeParse: String to Date/Time

To convert a String attribute containing a date or time text to a Date/Time attribute, use the @DateTimeParse built-in function.

To automatically adjust for number overflow (e.g. 32-Jan), always use 'repair' as its third argument, e.g.:

@DateTimeParse(@Right(@Value(fme_basename),16),%H_%M %d_%m_%Y,repair)

Combine Raster Bands

To combine multiple single-band rasters into a single multi-band raster, use the RasterBandCombiner transformer. For example, combine the ...