Thursday 15 March 2018

The Effect of Spatial Transformer Choice on Performance

Spatial analysis can be processing-intensive, particularly when a large number of features are involved. If you would like to tune the performance of your workspace, this is a good place to start.

When there are multiple ways to configure a workspace to reach the same goal, it is often best to choose the transformer most specifically suited to your task. As an example, when comparing address points to building polygons, there are a few ways to approach it.

The first example, using a SpatialFilter to test whether or not points fall inside polygons, produces the correct result. But the SpatialFilter is a fairly complex transformer, able to test for multiple conditions and accept a wide range of geometry types. It isn’t optimized for the specific spatial relationship we are analyzing here.

With a SpatialFilter:

The second example uses a PointOnAreaOverlayer, followed by a Tester. The features output are the same as in the first method, but the transformer is optimized for this specific task. The difference in processing time is substantial - from 54.3 seconds in the first configuration, down to 13.7 seconds in the second one.

With a PointOnAreaOverlayer and a Tester:

If performance is an issue in your workspace, look for alternative methods, guided by geometry.


Tuesday 6 March 2018


To split a string into its components using Regular Expressions, you can use the StringSearcher transformer. In the [Contains Regular Expression] field, put parentheses around each group; and in the [Subexpression Matches List Name] field within the [Advanced] group, specify the name of the list that will contain the individual components.

See also at around 1:50:00

Combine Raster Bands

To combine multiple single-band rasters into a single multi-band raster, use the RasterBandCombiner transformer. For example, combine the ...